What They're Watching: Person Pinball

August 02, 2011

This post was authored by Michelle Castillo as a part of a YouTube Trends series exploring the videos being watched this week by the team at What's Trending.

The human body is an amazing machine, but when humans act like machines we can accomplish so much more. (Well, that point can be argued, but I’d like to think so.)

In this clip for the 2011 Animation Block Party Film Festival in New York City, pedestrians become a human pinball machine and take over the streets. This “bumper” (no pun intended) was the final score for the event.

Here are some more amazing clips of people power. When we work together we can achieve anything.

We have nightmares about being chased by those ghosts, but this clip just makes them seem very cute and non-threatening.

Who says staying home on the weekend can’t be a lot of fun?

Now, here’s humans transforming into a machines. Warning: You can try this at home, but you will fail miserably.

You’ve probably all seen the famed “Thriller” Filipino prisoner dance, but did you know thy paid tribute to “Jai Ho”? At least you can say their dancing is a good form of prison exercise.

Today's "What They're Watching" recap provided by

