4 in the Morning: Lamprey Symphony

August 25, 2011

Twice each day we scan our YouTube metrics as well as websites on the cutting edge of internet culture to discover the most buzzed about videos.
Symphony Flash Mob Lamprey Repellant Irene Causes Flooding The Slowest Race
  1. This unique flash mob performance of Ravel's "Bolero" in Denmark by the Copenhagen Phil has drawn some attention overseas and spreading in the U.S. today on Google+.
  2. Michigan State tests a repellant for sea lampreys. As seen on Daily Wh.at.
  3. Videos are coming in from the wake of Hurricane Irene. This clip is said to depict the El Nigua River flooding in the Dominican Republic.
  4. Tortoise chases man in motorized wheelchair. Among our Trending Videos.

