Trending This Week: Inventive Ways of Dealing With Loud Neighbors; Calling Out Catcallers

April 24, 2015

Dealing With Loud Neighbors -- The Olan Rogers Story

In Olan Rogers's latest video, the funnyman-creator describes a revenge plan he plotted against his outrageously loud neighbor that involved a well-placed Craigslist ad, a fictional owl named Lil BB, and 208 tons of glitter. As a storyteller, Rogers is one of the most beloved emerging creators on YouTube, and one of the things that makes him so adored by his nearly 54,000 subscribers is the time and energy he invests in establishing personal relationships with each of his fans. Through the proceeds he makes from his clothing line and Soda Parlor, Rogers has set up a college scholarship fund for his YouTube supporters. [Disclaimer: there is not enough time nor characters in a word document for me to fully disclose how much I adore Olan Rogers. It was a common occurrence during my time at YouTube Nation, that once I started playing a Olan Roger’s video, I would be in fits of laughter for a good 11 minutes and no producer, nor writer who needed to question me for a segment, would be able to break the cycle of giggles. So I admit some bias.]

102-year-old Woman Sees Herself Dancing on Film for First Time

You better prepare the ole’ ticker for all the feelings this video is about to cause. This past week, 102-year-old Ms. Alice Barker watched for the first time films of her career as a professional dancer the 1930s and 40s Harlem Renaissance. In her heyday, Ms. Barker performed in movies, television shows, commercials, and clubs all throughout New York City alongside legends such Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, and Bill Robinson. Her genuine joy and happiness is contagious throughout the video and has already touched the hearts of over 4.3 million viewers in four short days. At the end of the viewing session, Ms. Barker says, “[It] makes me wish I could get out of this bed and do it all over again.”

Man Catcalls During Anti-Cat Calling Segment

In a recent anti-catcalling segment by Buzz60, host Patrick Jones encounters just the man New York City is attempting to silence with their anti-catcalling signs placed around the city. With cameras rolling, Jones attempts to ask the man why he thinks it’s okay to harass women on the street and in return, receives the classic reply, “I was just paying them a compliment!” With its strong anti-street harassment message, Buzz60’s segment is reminiscent of last year’s conversation starting video “10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman,” viewed over 40 million times.

Inside Amy Schumer -- Football Town Lights

Between pranking Kanye and Kim at the Time’s 100 event and hosting the MTV Movie Awards, Amy Schumer is having THE Hollywood moment. Going into the third season of her hit Comedy Central show “Inside Amy Schumer,” Schumer takes an important stand against sexual assault in her latest sketch “Football Town Lights.” A parody of every football movie/TV show ever created, the segment strikes a rare balance between comedy and activism as the characters discuss all the misconceptions people have about sexual assault, consent, and victim blaming. In the end, Schumer’s physical comedy (especially her growing wine glass) provides a comedic note to a serious topic, making this well-timed piece (April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month) a must watch for the weekend.
- Carly Lanning

