Inside YouTube Search

January 13, 2011

Every morning, we comb through YouTube's search data to investigate top spiking search terms and the videos they lead to:
  • obama tucson - There's a big surge this morning in searches for footage of President Obama's remarks last evening at the memorial service in Tucson, Arizona. They can be viewed in full here.

  • namm 2011 - America's largest music trade show is underway and searches are up for clips of the new tech being introduced on the convention floor.

  • chet haze - Chet Haze, rapper, son of Tom Hanks, and star of one of today's 4@4 videos is among the morning's top searches.

  • elizabeth hughes - This 8-year-old singer, who recently gave a live performance of the National Anthem, is seeing a spike in searches for her work.

